Commercial Kitchen Design-Build Experts

You don’t want a “Nice” Kitchen…  You want a Masterful Design-Build
from experts who LIVE AND BREATHE this industry


A CurranTaylor kitchen Design-Build is the product of our authoritative knowledge of kitchen workflows, technology, production, and 60 years and counting of experience producing profitable kitchens.

“Our Design-Build service makes the difference between a kitchen that’s ineffective and costly to operate and a smooth-running productive, and profitable kitchen that requires less energy, less water, less labor, produces better tasting food, and makes you a profit.”

When we walk through your location, we envision what a kitchen area can become, and then make it happen. Our service is just as critical to your success as our workmanship. We have been in the professional kitchen industry for over six decades because we know how to plan, budget, schedule, and execute. We get the job done.

Do NOT settle for a typical bid contractor when something as essential as your kitchen is on the line.

Design-Build of kitchens includes drawing plans, remodeling, and a core knowledge of the SERVICE side of the business. You have to eat, drink, and sleep commercial kitchens, and our clients appreciate our insight and ability to help with every phase of the project. These fine points are more critical than you would suppose.

Professional kitchen Design-Build includes everything that typical contractors provide, but a professional kitchen Design-Build is vastly different than other remodeling projects. If a kitchen is not designed and built properly, it can literally make your kitchen less efficient. That increases labor costs, can increase customer wait times, can keep energy costs too high, and end up costing you far more than you can imagine in the long run.

At CurranTaylor, we think of all of the small adjustments and corrections that end up making all the difference in the efficiency and profitability of your kitchen.